We make our products with love, in quality factories in Slovakia, the Czech Republic or outside the EU. Before going on sale, we test each product for several months and inspect each shipment during packaging. We are sincerely sorry if there was a defect during the packaging of the shipment, or if the goods were damaged.

Information on complaints

The warranty period is set at 24 months or limited by the use-by date of the goods and runs from the day of receipt of the goods by the buyer. The seller is responsible for defects in goods or services. Warranty service is provided by the online store operator.

The incompleteness of the shipment or damage to the goods must be reported within 24 hours of receiving the shipment by e-mail or advertising form. Later complaints of incomplete shipment or mechanical damage to the product cannot be accepted.

Please send the claimed goods to us for evaluation. We recommend that you send the goods as a package by registered mail. Please do not send the goods to us by cash on delivery.

Address for sending the claimed goods:

TIMME Brand s.r.o., U Golfu 665/118, 109 00 Prague – Dolní Měcholupy

We will return the purchase price of the goods to you within 14 working days at the latest to the account you specified. In case of withdrawal from the purchase contract, the costs for the delivery of the goods will not be refunded. In case of unauthorized withdrawal from the purchase contract, the product will be returned to you at your expense. By withdrawing from the purchase contract, the contract is canceled from the beginning


If you are not satisfied with the processing of your order, the delivered goods or our services, please send us an advertising e-mail to info@timme.sk. If you are not satisfied with the way your advertisement was handled or if you agree that we may have violated your rights, you can submit a proposal for an alternative dispute resolution to the alternative dispute resolution entity according to Act 391/2015 Coll. You can submit a proposal in accordance with §12 of Act 391/2015 Coll. The list of ARS entities can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic www.mhsr.sk.

The complaint form can be found here: View form